Union Type Non-Return Valves – Solid PTFE Plug
For clients who prefer a non-return valve where the body parts are assembled by means of a union with round slotted nut Saniquip also offer a robust heavy duty “union type” non-return valve. The central round slotted nut is suitable for standard RJT C-spanners. These valves are available in either AISI 304 or 316L stainless steel and are highly polished. As standard the complete head of the valve plug is manufactured from solid PTFE. This eliminates the need for a separate plug seal and means that there is no possibility of a plug seal becoming dislodged due to flow velocity/temperature in demanding applications. The body seal is in FDA compliant EPDM as standard with other seal material options also available. These valves are manufactured in sizes from 1” to 6”.